October 16, 2007

the routine gets going again.

i hate it. Raya is over. It freaks me out counting days to exams when i didnt even start opening any books nor reading yet. I hate the fact that tis is the 1st semester when i dun /rarely understand what is being taught. Forgive me for being a lazy ass but it's not my fault kan... tis semester is full with assignments and when you got to know it.. semester is over.. and you have to struggle looking for notes/past year quest and god knows what else to be ready for exam.. grrr...
Here i am ranting again instead of studying really proof that saya tak ada mood untuk study. You really got to force yourself.. even coming home for holiday.. i only brought back a file as thick as 2cm??? cause i know i wont be studying and there is of no use bringing back those thick thick books/notes back home. AND i got it SPOT on. I din even touch that 2cm file. SEE???
I hate studying.officially hate.and hate.....
SO, since semester is almost over.. guess this blog wont be on YKT 214 d kan? saya pun tak tahu samaada mahu terus untuk tulis atau tidak. Sudah macam tak bersemangat. Mungkin akan jadi blog peribadi saya. Maklum blog saya yang satu lagi sudah tak diupdate selalu kerana kemalasan saya. Saya semakin hari semakin tua dan semakin malas.
ANyway, i wont let my laziness get over me. I need to study. to maintain my results. Else, mummy dearest would nagged me again. and i cant stand facing those relatives who LOVES to compare with their goddammf***king children... grrr. i wish to get out every festive season. so i wont get annoy by those bitch and just my family and i. even my bro hates them.. and mind you, he is taking his STPM in few weeks time. He sure lagi will get bombarded coming next CNY.
why la our life so miserable???


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