September 17, 2008

Studio Show

I finally completed my studio ' live' show. it's not live as in broadcasted live.. it's live in the sense that it's the FINAL product and we could not edit it anymore. it was okay overall except for some technical glitches and i trip on the wire which almost cause disruption on Camera 1.. but anyhow.. it was ok.. glad that it is over..
host, crew, cameraman discussing and looking and the recorded rehearsal product...

the simplest set that we have set up.

overseeing the chroma key background the school just bought..

my group members looking excited after we have completed the task! phew..
we headed to BBQ korean food right after..
there are more pictures but i'm lazy to upload d...
hafta study for my french spelling test tomoro..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wait till mine...hehe collecting ideas... ;P