October 31, 2008


I was shocked.. i did not anticipated my morning when reading thestar online would be like this..

now, is there really justice in court anymore? can we rely on the authorities? seriously, i am having a big doubt about it. 

sad day for malaysia..  where is the judicial reform as promised? blah.. all are nonsense..

October 29, 2008

finals coming.. i havent start studying yet. cant study. dunno why.

it's been the worst semester ever. i barely did anything meaningful/useful this semester. it is as though i din do anything at all. 

die la.. one more final semester to go.. how to survive and maintain my pointer la... 

not easy. not easy. not easy. 

October 23, 2008


Since i have been tagged  i shall answer it.. here it goes..

Four jobs you’ve had in your life

1) Working at Gama Supermarket as a promoter

2) Working at a Job Hunting Agency as a CRM

3) Working at a  Agilent  for a week

4) Working at Apex Picture as an Intern

and lots more.. since it is only four.. then four it is..

 Four jobs you wish you had
1) Working in ESPN /STAR SPort
2) Working in Astro

3)Working at the United Nations helping the poors


Four Movies you can watch over and over again

1) Harry Potter

2) Disney's Movie

3)  Cant think of any.

4) If  Moonlight Resonance is counted.. that be it.. else, none tat i can think of now.

Four Cities you have lived in
1)Penang Island

2)Petaling  Jaya, Selangor

3) None

4) and NOne....

 Four TV Shows you love to watch

1) One Tree Hill

2)Ugly Betty

3) Desperate Housewives

4)CS1 Miami

Four places you’ve been on vacation/travelled to

1)Redang Island

2) Langkawi

3) Pangkor Island

4)Cameron Highlands
 Four Websites you visit daily

1) Hotmail

2) The Star

3) Anilnetto

4) TVB
Four of your favorite Foods

1) Food

2) That 

3) Is

4) Delicious and Nice

Four Things you won’t eat

1) Food

2) I

3) Don't

4) Like

Four things you wish you could eat right now
1) Kenny Rogers


3)Ice Cream


Four things in your bedroom
1) Bed




Four things you wish you had in your bedroom

1) More




One Place I’d rather be right now


Four people you’d really love to have dinner with
1) Family

2) Friends


Four Things I am thinking right now
1) i want to eat

2) i am going to french class

3)i want to claim rm625 after paying my roadtax

4)i am going to screening tonight... yay+food.
Four of your favourite things





Four People I tag
1) I

2) am

3) not

4) tagging.

October 15, 2008

stress gila..

i am still in the midst of finishing my kajian televisyen assignment due on thurs.. i had to do it one day earlier than rushing on the last minute (on the dot) which i usually do for all my other assignments.. this time i cant afford it.. i have french essay test on thurs which is going to kill me.. all the verbs and preposition.. so much to memorize.. damm it.. 

my brain cant think anymore.. thus i choose to blog.. one more week before  study week but how come i dont feel like it's the end of semester leh? sigh. 

chewing on a polo followed by another for past hours but still i cant finish typing and typing.. terlalu banyak kena tulis dengan citation yang diperlukan lagi. sangat susah.. kalau biblio kurang.. nanti lecturer kata saya tak buat rujukan yang secukupnya. memang teruk.. dahla esei pun kena tulis dalam bm.. teruk tul.. haihs.. pastu.. rujukan tu semua dalam bi.. dahla masa dihabiskan untuk translate.. pas tu translate mcm sial.. bencinya hidup aku ni. kenapalah i have to take those papers.. ish... geram... otak aku ni dah tak berfungsi tetapi banyak lagi yang kena aku buat.. kalau boleh.. hendak aku terbang dari sini.. promotion fireflyz bagi cuti sekolah ini dah penuh di tempah.. aku tak dapat nak tempah seat. lagi geram. 

iam crapping nonsense.. brain is crashing.. it's damm freaking 4.30am  now.. better continue writing those essay before my brain decided to die on me. 

terasa nak tulis dalam bm.. mungkin terikut-ikut dengan BM yang aku tulis dalam esei aku ni. teruk betul.. kalau di SPM dulu aku tulis macam ni.. fail aku. 

October 06, 2008

haihs.. 3 more weeks be4 study week and then final exam d. i am so dead. my assignment which i promised myself i will do during last one week holiday was not done yet. in fact i havent started yet. damm it.

i have to watch five episode of frontpage to do my assignment. i regretted choosing that but i have no choice d. so little time left for me to change. so i am stuck watching it now before i can start writing a 10 page essay. it's not easy as it seems cause i have to put in citation from readings+if it's relevant some acts and bla bla bla.. 

argghh.. and i dun really like watching it. dunno why. if i could have review other show. sigh.. bad bad choice. 

2 assignment. and one more test to go before study week. 
