the pictures above was taken 7am in the morning.. in front of the University of Manchester hostel.. where i curi tinggal.. it was good and truly an experience to be able to stay there for 2 nites.. since it was the end of semester already, there were many parties going on.. it looks scary cause i havent seen any scenario like tat in our country before.. everyone dress up and get into the mood of partying wee midnite.. while we were walking back from our dinner cum supper.. so many beggars on the road and even waiting to pounce on the leftovers and asking for money.. it was real scary.. and people driving in the car honking and screaming at your direction and everything weird plus the cold weather at nite..
so my 2 nights in manchester included shopping and of course. touring manunited stadium.. the third day was reserved for a road trip up north england.. but before that we stopped by Leeds to visit an intergrated fish farming place.. my 1st thought was tat.. how the people managed the place and seeing how they actually work the farming thingy out... the place, located very inside.. near to hills.. away from Leeds' town.. my bad.. as i cant really remember the place really well..
boy was i wrong went i step into tat place.. it was nice and peaceful.... we were then introduced to the person in charged, Alberto who briefed us everything about the place.. later only did we know that educating troubled kids, or young teens with juvenile cases is one of their long term plan to curb these kids from going into the wrong path in life. most of these kids have problems at home.. and these leads them into thinking that they are unwanted, useless, wortheless and lacking of love from their parents - more children and teenagers are prone to taking drugs, stealing and etc.. with initiative taken.. this 'troubled kids' is getting a chance to learn things tat they might not learn in the classroom.. they are given the chance to go into farming, gardening and many more..
some of the plants and fishes in the green house...according to alberto.. many of these kids.. have not even seen a fish in their life.. and all of them who came here.. have the oppurtnity to touch and feed the fishes.. by interacting with the fishes.. these kids feel warmer and become "soften" at heart.. as they feel at peace communicating with the fishes..
organic strawberry.. with a very good watering system..
tomatoes... very very delicious..
this is the worms.. i forgot the name, the types already.. my bad..but the soil is very good.. and the worms are really fat!
see the bamboo watering system on the top right hand.. i personally like tat one very much.. =) and on the down left hand corner is the chairs and tables made by the students who go there for the classes and etc..