after more than a week of contemplating.. i have come to make a decision. I hope it is the best choice i have make now. sigh. and wat a way to mark my decision day when i was handled a piece of summon by the police. damm it.. grr.. wonder it is a blessing in disguise.. arghh..
there are more interviews i wanted to go and try out.. but the "what if" question pop to my mind.. what if i rejected this.. and i wont get tat.. what if this is what i want.. and if i rejected it.. will i still have the chance??.. so many questions to ponder upon.. even after i have made the decision.. still.. there is 2 more interview i would like to go.. damm it.. hopefully i wont regret this.. haihs..
I will start working this Tuesday and yeah, it is not my field of study.. i guess some of you might have know it already.. IT's in PENANG and I am staying put here at the moment.. I shall give it one year to try out.. if all else fail.. and that i cannot perform.. i will be going back into my field of study.. *fingers crossed*...
and i can only hope for the best after making this decision.. i know this is NOT what i wanted.. but it's the BEST at the moment.. considering that i basically know what direction i want to go to, for the next 3 years time. =)