November 15, 2009

evolving.. revolving.

i hate the fact that i can be real happy and the next second.. i could be very emo. 

i hate the fact that (not rejecting but merely asking for a reschedule interview because i cant make it for the interview 2moro because i am having a meeting with the managers and i cant freaking abandoned that).. so i am plea-ing for that person to call me back for a reschedule because that is my dream company and still is.. the place i wanted so bad in the 1st place. sil vous plait, call me back!!! i am waiting for that calll.. 

i am having a difficult time thinking because my work laptop got crashed last week with the reasons i do not know and don't want to know and i feel like an idiot because not having my laptop around means i cannot work which makes people around me looking at me (that interprets that i am either stupid or an idiot and makes them thinking that i know nothing about computer that it got crashed barely 2 months since i got hold of it).. it sickened me because 

a) i am not a person who do not know anything about computers because i know how to format and know how to fixed motherboard, graphic cards, ram, hard disk, sound card and whatever shit into the CPU)

- sometimes it's better to left everything unsaid so that i can act like i am stupid and not one will ever ask me.. cause they know they will only get 1 answer from me.. which i.. I DO NOT KNOW.. SORRY..

b) i wanted to do give my best and all to my current job but people just don't give me the chance at all..

- so it's better that i just do what i can and look things at the smaller scale... the more i think, the more i get demoralised and hopeless on my current situation.

i want to be a volunteer for a NGO and am trying to look for ways to help them out.

i realized that i have so many stuff that i wanted to post up for year 2009 but i just couldnt find a decent way to put it here.. and as a reminder that 2009 was a ending and start to a brand new aspect of my life.

i have so many things going round my head but i just couldnt put them into words here.

praying that next week is going to be a good week ahead and that i have the strength to face people that i have to face weekly.. and please dun make my new week  miserable. thank you.


h33ycheng said...

ying, if you really wan the job, search for the company hr tel no. or any numbers tat u could get. call...not just wait. i bet everything will be settled then.

Dont keep wat ppl thinks or wat the past had happened, there's nothing could be done. I know sometimes u can't stop it. but tell urself, there's nothing u cd change it.

i dont know if wat i've said was useful. just feels better than doing nothing.

think +ve ^^

Sakiinah said...

owh no wonder u havent been online often these days. Wow.. u know all that, i think u should just open up a business doing all that instead, after all there will always be laptops to repair hehe (but streamyx is beyond repairable :P)

Sakiinah said...

p/s: i agree with heey cheng, call, it shows how much u really want the job. at least u've tried rather than wondering if they might call or not (sounds like waiting a call from future bf haha)

LiYing said...

haha.. thanks...
i did wat i could.. the rest depends on the decision of the person in charge...
Hopefully it is a good news.. :)